Monday, June 2

One Word

I'm a sucker for surveys & the such! On this particular one, you are supposed to answer each question with one word only. Here are my answers... let's see yours on your blog!

1. Where is your cell phone? Counter

2. Where is your significant other? Kitchen

3. Your hair? Up

4. Your mother? Young

5. Your father? Birthday!

6. Your favorite thing? Family

7. Your dream last night? Gone

8. Your favorite drink? Lemonade

9. Your dream/goal? Debtless (I will not stoop to using TWO words!!)

10. The room you're in? Family

11. Your hobby? Tennis

12. Your fear? Unknown

13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Adventure

14. Where were you last night? Manila

15. What you're not? Skinny

16. Muffins? Nope

17. One of your wish list items? Australia

18. Where you grew up? Kingsville

19. The last thing you did? Drive

20. What are you wearing? Clothes

21. Your TV? Movie

22. Your pets? Dallas

23. Your computer? MacBook (one word... I promise!)

24. Your life? Busy

25. Your mood? PMSing

26. Missing someone? Family

27. Your car? Leased

28. Something you're not wearing? Shoes

29. Favorite store? Online

30. Your summer? Beginning

31. Like someone? Absolutely

32. Your favorite color? Blue

33. When is the last time you laughed? Today

34. Last time you cried? Saturday

35. Who will resend this? Sisters


Anonymous said...

Oooooooh, Brownie Points! :)
Love you,