Sunday, January 25

Toy Madness

I have been meaning to clean our playroom for quite a while & am finally getting around to doing the unpleasant task today! I keep laughing at all the crap, i mean toys, that I'm stumbling across. So, I decided to keep a running list here. One day, it might be funny (for me) to re-read:

* 2 cherries to our Hi-Ho-Cherrio game
* 1 bell for our I Spy game
* 1 sleeping bag zipper that I might have accused Julie of losing (ummm... sorry!)
* 4 rubber vampire teeth... so far
* 1 headless Luke Skywalker
* About a hundred paper snowflakes from Christmas (Thanks Molly & Neele!)
* Too many McDonald's Happy Meal toys to count (That's probably not a good sign, huh?)
* A hay bale from our Old Macdonald Had a Farm game
* A Barbie head missing its body (Guaranteed to be the work of one of my boys!)
* More Pokemon cards than any kid ever needs
* A Hannah Montana game piece that does not even belong to my kids! (Sorry, MP.)
* A dusty goldfish cracker
* 20 mismatched poles from a princess tent Sydney used very few times

There will be so much more later! I'm not even halfway done...


Anonymous said...

Put the Barbie head on the Luke Skywalker doll and you won't have to buy a white elephant gift next year. (I have a frog purse!)

Gulley Gang said...

Ha, at least you are able to laugh while cleaning all that out! I dread the day I have to go through Cade's room. You are on the ball though, good for you! I cracked up at your mom's comment! Yep, that would be the perfect gift for another white elephant party, hee hee!