Tuesday, April 14

Twins' FINAL 7th Birthday Celebration

We held the twins' official 7th birthday party on Friday, March 20th, after school. They had been planning for months what they wanted to do... I planned for a week! But, we pulled it off.

Sydney wanted to have a horse party at the local stables where she attends horse camp every other Saturday. My friend, Heather, volunteers quite a bit of her time at the stables, so she agreed to help us arrange a fun party for the girls.

Samuel, on the other hand, did not want to have his party at the stables. He wanted to have his friends over to the house, instead. And, I was not willing to have 2 separate parties for them... yet. I know that time is coming, but not this year.

As a compromise, Heather suggested the girls all meet at the El Kabayo stables to ride horses to our home. We could then celebrate with cake & refreshments at our house with Samuel & his friends. We live near the stables, so this was a great plan! And, of course, Sydney thought it was a wonderful idea!

So, that's what we did! All of Sydney's girlfriends met at the stables. They were issued pink ball caps with "07" embroidered on the front & their names embroidered on the back. They picked a partner to ride with & doubled up on the horses.

The girls riding up the hill

Meanwhile, Samuel & his friends were given khaki ball caps with the same number embroidered on the front & their names on the back also. The boys swam in the blow up pool in the backyard & bounced in the jumpy house. They all had so much fun!

Samuel, along with most of the other boys, decided to sit on a horse for a photo opportunity. Somehow, I never got a photo of Sydney on a horse, though. (I am definitely NOT a scrapbooking mom!)


The horses grazing across the street from our home


Anonymous said...

Shoot...I still can't believe they're SEVEN, Amberly! What a fun party.

Amberly said...

Rachel, I cannot believe it either! I still am in shock at how big all my kids are. In the blink of an eye...